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  • Bibles

  • Pencils/Pens

  • Toothbrushes

  • Toothpaste

  • Socks

  • Gloves

  • Warm caps

  • Chapstick

  • Hairbrushes

  • Combs

  • Barrets

  • Hair clippers

  • Children’s medicine

  • Soccer Ball with air pump and needle

  • Volleyball

  • Flashlight

  • Batteries

  • Small toys for children

  • Handkerchiefs

  • Hand lotion

  • Hand sanitizer


Broken Hearts Ministries is dedicated to providing care and support for orphan children.We encourage individuals and churches to provide support and care by meeting the physical, emotional, educational and spiritual needs of orphans. We develop transitional programs for education, technical training and career development to give orphan children a future and a hope to rise above a life of poverty and despair, and prepare them for a life of service to their own people. We organize mission trips to third world countries and encourage supporters to see firsthand how they make an impact in the life of an orphan child. We collaborate with qualified organizations around the world in the development of facilities and programs.


None of this is possible without regular support from people just like you. Whether it's $20/month or more, you will directly make an impact on a child's life. Broken Hearts is run through volunteer work, so you can be sure that 100% of your donation will go towards the orphans in need. Your donation is also tax deductible and we will provide you with a year-end donation report.


At Broken Hearts, we are in constant need of not only monetary donations, but material donations as well. We take several mission trips each year and bring along as many items for the kids as possible. The list to the left is just a sampling of the items we need. Please take a moment to note these items and donate when you can! Something as simple as a sticker can make a child smile!


Use the "Donate" button below to give online. You do NOT need a PayPal account to use this method! Just simply click "pay with a credit card" on the website. Please let us know if you have any questions.



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