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What breaks your heart?

James 1:27 - "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:

                                                                                       to look after orphans and widows in their distress..."

Our Ministry Goal

Broken Hearts Ministries was founded in 2004 by Perry and Carrie Culpepper. We exist to support qualified ministry organizations around the world that provide services to orphans and widows. We advocate on behalf of orphan children and provide support in the form of child sponsorship, transition support, facility planning and improvement services and the production of children’s camp programs. James 1:27 is our ministry verse - we seek to be doers of the Word and not hearers only. Your prayers and support for this ministry are appreciated. Together, we are Father to the fatherless.


If you are interested in fundraising for Broken Hearts or hosting a group setting where we can share our stories, please email us. Face-to-face outreach is vitally important to our ministry and we welcome to opportunity to speak to your group!

Broken Hearts cannot exist without regular support from people just like you. A $20 donation can make a huge difference! Click to give online via PayPal or send checks to the PO Box below. 100% of donations go directly to the ministry. All donations are tax deductible.


Broken Hearts Ministries

PO Box 2011

Matthews, NC 28106

When children find out they've been sponsored, the joy they feel is overwhelming. Knowing that someone across the globe cares means more than you can imagine.


Sponsoring a child will completely change the future for your child, and will change YOUR  life as well!

We are always looking for new team members! If you're searching for a ministry to plug into, please contact us. Whether you are interested in joining a mission trip overseas or helping with the day-to-day operations, Broken Hearts can use you!


We are currently looking for someone to help manage material donations at our storage facility. Please let us know if you are interested in this position!


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